Fresh Produce
We carefully tend to the production of a wide variety of garden vegetables and melons without the use of pesticides, to provide tasty, healthy, colorful, fresh produce for the local community through our weekly vegetable subscriptions, the farmers market, and numerous stores and restaurants. Our produce business began in 2006 as a very small CSA farm, and the subscriptions have continued to be the heart of how we connect our local community with fresh produce.
Suffolk Sheep
We have built up a flock of a couple hundred thick, meaty suffolk sheep that make good use of the rockier land and surrounding pastures. We pay very close attention to the genetics of our flock and continually select for practical, productive, heavy-duty sheep. We sell many of the lambs to other commercial farms as breeding stock through our annual production sale each fall. We also sell lots of lamb meat to local farmstands, restaurants, and stores. Most of the lambs are born in January and February… before the bulk of the garden work begins.
Orchard & Gardens
We love growing things!… So we have multiple side crops in the works to complement the garden vegetables. We planted 500 blueberry bushes on the back side of the stream in 2020 that we hope to make available for pick-your-own once they are established. We also grow thousands of tulips and daffodils in our hoop houses for early spring sales, and our small orchard includes beds of asparagus, rhubarb, raspberries and a wide variety young fruit trees.