Season’s Bounty Farm & CSA
A Summer’s Supply of Fresh Vegetables
Spring will be here soon, so here is the info sheet with all the details for the upcoming 2025 vegetable subscription season. You can sign up and make payments on our website at . We want to say a big thank you to all the returning customers and especially those that have been with us since the very first year of our CSA, 19 years ago. Here are some of the top reasons we hear people like our weekly crates of vegetables:
· Fresher vegetables than you can buy anywhere else.
· Lots of color and flavor without the work of growing it yourself.
· We don’t use any pesticides, not even ones that are allowed on organic farms.
· Vegetables grown locally rather than shipped across the country or internationally.
· Almost no packaging to discard. Homemade wooden crates are used and returned the following week.
· It is much easier to eat healthier all season long.
· Built in flexibility with our weekly swap baskets and market credit for any week you plan to skip.
Spring subscriptions cost $185 and consist of 7 weekly crates from April 14 - May 26 with Monday pick up at the farm. The summer subscriptions come in 2 size options and consist of 18 weekly crates of vegetables starting June 2nd or 4th and going through September 29th or October 1st, with pick up at the farm or at The Friendly City Food Coop.
1. Pick your season: Spring or Summer… If you sign up for a spring subscription, then skip to step number 4.
2. Pick your summer subscription size:
A full share costs $535 and typically serves about 3-5 people. ($29.72/week)
A smaller share costs $380 and typically serves about 2-3 people. ($21.11/week)
3. Choose your summer pick-up location:
On-Farm Pickup from 4 - 6pm Mondays (starts June 2nd) located near 4450 Cromer Rd, just 2 miles north of Harrisonburg.
Friendly City Food Coop from 4-6pm Wednesdays (starts June 4th) in downtown Harrisonburg, right next to the post office.
4. Pay for your Subscription: You can sign up and pay online… or email us requesting to be signed up, and mail a check.
If you need to be gone or want to skip a week or two or more, just let us know by emailing us by 8am on your pick up day. We will give you a credit to use at our stand at the Harrisonburg Farmers Market on Saturdays that will be good through Thanksgiving ($19 for ½ subscriptions/spring subscriptions and $27 for full). We keep a list of the credits with us at market, so simply stop by the market any Saturday morning before Thanksgiving, and let us know you want to put the credit to use.
To increase flexibility, we have weekly swap crates at both pickup locations. When you swing by to pick up your subscription, you are welcome to swap an item or two from your crate for something of similar value from the swap crates.
As always, the weekly crates of vegetables will be made up of whatever is currently in season. The amount will likely be smaller for a couple weeks at the beginning and end of the season, compared to the middle of summer. At the start of the season there is usually an abundance of fresh greens and tender root crops, until the main crops come into production with the heat of summer. At the end of the season there are usually lots of vegetables that can be set aside for winter such as butternut squash, potatoes, onions, sweet potatoes, and garlic.
We plant over 90 total varieties of approximately 30 types of produce. Of course depending on the weather, some years we harvest more of certain varieties than others. Some years we occasionally include an item from another farm such as sweet corn from Dry River Produce if we feel we don’t have quite the variety we should. Please note that while we don’t use any pesticides on any of the produce we grow, the items from other farms as I just mentioned, don’t carry the same pesticide-free promise.
We typically start sending out weekly emails a week or two before the season starts. Depending on what email filter you have, the emails might end up in your spam/junk folder. So check that out if you don’t end up getting our weekly emails.
You are always welcome to stop by the farm to see how your vegetables are growing, to get your hands in the dirt… or to help pull weeds! Let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to sharing the season’s bounty!
Season’s Bounty Farm & CSA
Radell & Sarah Schrock
4260 Cromer Road
Rockingham, VA 22802